Victoria’s Carrot Cake

Victoria’s Carrot Cake

If you’ve never eaten my Carrot Cake then you are in for a real treat.  I rarely share this recipe and have had people beg me over the years to make my Carrot Cake for various occasions.  Now you can make my cake in your own home. 


5 Lightly Beaten Eggs

2 Cups Sugar

2 Cups Unbleached Flour

2 Teaspoons Baking Powder

1 Teaspoon Ground Cinnamon

1 Teaspoon Kosher Salt

1/2 Teaspoon Baking Soda

3 1/2 Cups Finely Shredded Carrots

3/4 Cup Olive Oil

2 Tablespoons Vanilla Extract

Cream Cheese Frosting

Preheat your oven to 350° F.  Take the eggs out of the refrigerator and let them sit for 30 minutes to bring them to room temperature.  Prepare two 8×1 1/2 inch round cake pans (grease well).  In a large size bowl stir together the flour, surgar, baking powder, cinnamon, salt and baking soda.  In a separate large bowl combine the eggs, carrots, oil and vanilla.  Slowly add the egg mixture to the flour mixture and stir until combined, but don’t over mix.  Pour the batter evenly into the two greased cake pans.  Bake for 35 minutes until done.  Remove the cake pans from the oven and let them cool on wire racks for 10 minutes.  Remove the cake from the pans and allow the cake to completely cool on the wire racks.  Assemble and frost the middle, sides and top with cream cheese frosting.  Cover and store the cake in the fridge for up to 3 days.  Serves 12


Cream Cheese Frosting


8 Ounces Softened Cream Cheese

1 Cup Softened Butter

3 Tablespoons Vanilla Extract

7 Cups Powdered Sugar

In a large size bowl beat the cream cheese, butter and vanilla with a mixer on medium until fluffy.  Slowly beat in the powdered sugar.  Beat for 2 minutes to make sure to get all of the powdered sugar lumps out and the frosting is at spreading consistency.  If you need more powdered sugar feel free to add more.  Makes about 4 cups. 


    Victoria has been cooking and writing recipes since she was a a young girl. Originally from Nebraska, her appreciation for culinary technique took off when she moved to Lyon, France. Victoria is published in Hearst Newspapers, Greenwich Free Press, New Canaanite, and more.

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