Watermelon Sorbet

Watermelon Sorbet


Prep Time:  minutes
Cook Time:  minutes
Ready In:  minutes

Categories:  ,

Yields or Serves:  

[Total: 4   Average: 5/5]

Watermelon says summer and is so refreshing. Growing up I devoured watermelon every evening, along with corn on the cob of course. Making sorbet is easy and what a great way to preserve summer.

  • 1 Small Watermelon
  • 7 Ounces Powdered Sugar
  • Juice Of 1/2 Lemon
  • 14 Ounces Water
  1. Cut off a slice from top of watermelon and scoop out flesh, reserving the shell. Remove and throw away seeds. Measure 12 ounces watermelon flesh and place into blender or food processor with powdered sugar, lemon juice and water. Process to a purée. Transfer mixture to an ice-cream machine and freeze for 20 minutes or according to manufacturer’s instructions. Scoop out sorbet into balls of various sizes and add to watermelon shell.
  2. Serve immediately.
  3. Serves 4
  4. "Work With What You Got!"
  5. © Victoria Hart Glavin Tiny New York Kitchen © 2015 All Rights Reserved


Victoria has been cooking and writing recipes since she was a a young girl. Originally from Nebraska, her appreciation for culinary technique took off when she moved to Lyon, France. Victoria is published in Hearst Newspapers, Greenwich Free Press, New Canaanite, and more.

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